Aarhus University Hospital and Aarhus University
will create elite centre for brain research and treatment
Aarhus University Hospital and Aarhus University in Denmark are known worldwide for their contribution to diagnostics and treatment of brain diseases. A new iconic building by the Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) will gather research activities in psychiatry and neurology under one roof – the Danish Neuroscience Centre (DNC).
Every fifth Dane is affected by diseases of the brain amounting to DKK 39 billion annually covering hospital and home care as well as medicine. In a new iconic construction by the Bjarke Ingels Group, DNC will gather prominent international brain researchers, providing the framework for the next big breakthrough in the treatment of brain diseases. The building will host researchers across professions – primarily within neurology and psychiatry.
The architecture is inspired by the anatomical shape of the folds in the brain. The architectural construction will facilitate new collaborations and connections between clinicians, researchers, patients, and relatives – with reference to the connections in the brain.
It is a goal for DNC to break with the division between somatic and psychiatric diseases of the brain and in this way de-stigmatise psychiatric disease. Brain research can contribute to explain the underlying reasons for some psychiatric treatments against depression such as magnetic stimulation of the brain or electroconvulsive therapy.
- The financial support by the Salling Foundations to the new DNC building is an important step towards creating the optimal framework for further advancement in the world elite of neuroresearch to create new ground-breaking treatments for our patients with physical diseases in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves as well as those suffering from psychiatric diseases, says Jens Christian Hedemann Sørensen, Professor of neurosurgery and Chairman of DNC.