HIA represented at Innovation Day 2024
HIA-partners participated in dialogue about cross-sector collaboration and innovative solutions during Innovation Day 2024.
On October 23rd, the Innovation Day 2024 took place at FÆNGSLET in Horsens. The event is organized by Region Midtjylland and brings together hundreds of employees, managers, and directors from the region to learn more about innovation, expand their networks, and find inspiration from others' work in innovation.
Regional Director Jonas Dahl opened the event with a strong speech emphasizing the importance of utilizing the diversity and competencies within our organization as we develop and transform the healthcare system. It’s about daring to do more in some areas, but also about stopping some of the habits we've formed. For example, unnecessary controls and preliminary examinations.
"Transformation is a path we must walk together. In the past, we acted 'for' the citizens – now we do it 'together with' the citizens – and in the future, citizens may be even more able and willing to take initiative themselves. Our role in the healthcare system is undergoing a transformation, and it takes courage and trust to find new ways together," he said.
Trust and the courage to find new ways together were also central themes in the dialogue "Together in Transformation and Innovation across Hospitals and Businesses," where three HIA partners took the stage to discuss how we can best collaborate across sectors and what conditions must be in place to succeed in solving some of the major challenges facing the region.
Participating in the dialogue were Allan Juhl, CEO of Emento, Karen Skjerbæk Jørgensen, CCO of Trifork Digital Health, and Thomas Balle Kristensen, CEO at AUH.
The dialogue began with an airing of some of the stereotypes the public and private sectors may have about each other: "The companies only want to make money," "the hospitals are slow and hard to get in touch with,". The tone was light and informal and the sterotypical prejudices was to much amusement of the audience.
Fortunately, the stereotypes have been brought to shame – both in reality and on the big stage at FÆNGSLET in Horsens. Because, at the end of the day, we are all focused on the same thing: Solving the big challenges.
Allan, Karen, and Thomas provided valuable perspectives on how we should collaborate across sectors, offering general advice to one another and to others working with innovation in the healthcare system.
Allan Juhl said: "My best advice to hospital staff is: Speak up – with each other and everyone else – about the challenges you face. What is it you can't do but would like to? Say it out loud. You never know who might have the solution to the problem you’re facing."
Karen Skjerbæk Jørgensen was also clear in her message: "We must dare to start without knowing the end goal. If we hadn't had a pandemic, we would probably still be piloting video consultations. Now it’s part of the standard operations in many places. We must dare to begin – even if we end up failing. It's the only way we can move forward."
Thomas Balle Kristensen emphasized the importance of dialogue between the public healthcare system and private companies: "We don't have all the necessary competencies to solve the challenges on our own. Therefore, as a region, we must open ourselves to others."
In addition to the dialogue with Allan, Karen, and Thomas, the day offered a range of inspirational sessions and opportunities to gain insights into some of the fantastic innovation projects created in Region Midtjylland.
Awards were given to some of the many excellent innovation projects in the region: the Initiative Prize and the Smart Prize. These were awarded to the Constipation School for Children and Youth at Viborg Regional Hospital and three departments at Aarhus University Hospital for their method of delayed umbilical cord clamping in newborns.
Thank you for a fantastic event, Region Midtjylland. It was inspiring to experience the vibrant energy of engaged innovators networking across sectors.
(The quotes are translated from Danish to English with the aim of translating as close as possible to the original text).