Article | Meet the partners


 - a private partner in with relevant systems for the public sector

Systematic's mission is to deliver IT solutions that make it simpler for users to
make crucial decisions in demanding situations.
In 1985, Systematic had two employees and a single product. Today, Systematic and
its 1,100+ employees deliver critical software solutions to a wealth of private and
public-sector companies and organisations and to more than 50 countries worldwide.

What is so special about Aarhus? And why is the area so good at developing innovative solutions for the health sector?

One of the largest Danish IT-companies, Systematic, has collaborated with the public health sector for many years, developing numerous solutions including the electronic health record, EPJ.

Hear why Henrik Jespersen, SVP Systematic Healthcare, thinks Aarhus is just the right place for an innovative company in the health sector.

Visit Systemtic's website to learn more: Systematic Healthcare